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Short, fiction, 23 min, 2014
A short narrative film telling a story from a forgotten generation of Romanian US immigrants.
Pennsylvania, 1908. Romanian immigrant cobbler Petru greets his cousin's wife Ana in their New World home, with silent affection. Before he wins her heart, however, he needs to break a piece of news that will change her for good.
directed by Luiza Pârvu
written by Toma Peiu
cinematography by Shan Jin
production design by Lulu Petrescu, Adriana Răcășan, Erin Vassilopoulos
edited by Luiza Pârvu, Tudor D. Popescu
sound design by Laura Lăzărescu-Thois
composer Grigore Leșe
producers Toma Peiu, Luiza Pârvu, Adriana Răcășan, Andras Muhi, Gabor Ferenczy, Mihai Penișoară
Florin Penișoară – Petru
Olimpia Melinte – Ana
Ioan Ardelean – Wojnarowski
Root Films (RO) / Focus Fox (HU) / Penproduction.ro (RO) / DaKino Productions (RO) / NYU Tisch (US)
Romania – Hungary – USA, 2014
Short, fiction, 23 min, 2014
A short narrative film telling a story from a forgotten generation of Romanian US immigrants.
Pennsylvania, 1908. Romanian immigrant cobbler Petru greets his cousin's wife Ana in their New World home, with silent affection. Before he wins her heart, however, he needs to break a piece of news that will change her for good.
directed by Luiza Pârvu
written by Toma Peiu
cinematography by Shan Jin
production design by Lulu Petrescu, Adriana Răcășan, Erin Vassilopoulos
edited by Luiza Pârvu, Tudor D. Popescu
sound design by Laura Lăzărescu-Thois
composer Grigore Leșe
producers Toma Peiu, Luiza Pârvu, Adriana Răcășan, Andras Muhi, Gabor Ferenczy, Mihai Penișoară
Florin Penișoară – Petru
Olimpia Melinte – Ana
Ioan Ardelean – Wojnarowski
Root Films (RO) / Focus Fox (HU) / Penproduction.ro (RO) / DaKino Productions (RO) / NYU Tisch (US)
Romania – Hungary – USA, 2014
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